End of the Semester Reflection:



By: ND Arquillano

Some words maybe misspelled and grammar are wrong, still  acceptable in the K to 12’s use of mother language

A mentor of mine once said ” Do not compare, for there are no two schools that are the same… ” So, lets BENCHMARK how far have we gone, in term of global competitiveness:

The Images below displays the Portfolio Assessment , Concepts and Application:

( From  University of Libya through the kindness of Dr. Maturan) 
    L1     L2



Whereas the final assessment  is excellent.


Below are the images of our Learning Community that engage students in learning that inspires them to achieved their fullest potential. displays the Portfolio Assessment ( from  The Invisible University of ND Arquillano ) 

  • The ELearning Roadmap


  • Apps that supports the learning


  • The Use of Comics


  • Using the 21st Century Tools 

The Learning Environment is in accordance to learners learning style and preferences.

Whereas the final assessment  is UNPAID HOSTING ACCOUNT


The Learning Community ( OUTCOMES)

drego      IMG_1297  




A thank you is enough  at least points has been made.

As the great Andrew Martin once said “One is glad to be of service”.



The Processes ( Day-in and Day Out)






Above are the concepts and the underpinning principles of ” Facilitating learning to the diverse type of learners, in a diverse type of environment ” thus preparing them  to be an independent and lifelong learners, using the 21st century tools to cope with the global competition in terms of knowledge, skills and behavior.  Adopting to global change with preservation of our culture, values and identity.

Thus teachers must not only know what to teach, but how to teach, based on learners needs and learning preference and style.

Hoping that after all the learning experiences, we have made a significant contribution in the pursuit to improve QoL ( Quality of Life, of individual or as a community) as our service to humanity. And our hope that we had positively  influence a students life to progression.

Some of the highlight of this semester learning experiences

  • How I wish that we all learned the lesson on  the “LAW OF THE FARM”
  • For Instructional managers to  walk the talk, “DO NOT PLAY WITH TEACHERS PAY”
  • Support and respect the law of nature.( Cause and Effect or No research, No Development).
  • For us to focus on work that matters, collaboration, communication and critical thinking are the essence.
  • Savings by using false economy as a method is a farmers or a hunters style of management and does no longer work on todays information knowledge workers era.
  • For the community: Our mediocrity in the workplace bring a loose-loose solution to everyone,  in the long run.
  • That teachers emphasize the sense of what is unwavering right and wrong, in thoughts and in practice.
  • Do not laugh when I’m trying to counsel students, for every teacher is a counselor.
  • “… and the essence of ____studies  is  for one to be a LEARNED.”
  • Lastly I am proud that my mentors has taught me well, For one could not give what he/she does not have.

What’s my score: _____? It doesn’t matter,you be the judge. Moving on to the next interesting adventure.


Filed under Education, Personal Victory

The Law of the Farm II

The way as it should be:

One of the best ways to understand how extrinsic realities govern is to consider the Law of the Farm. In agriculture, we can easily see and agree that natural laws and principles govern the work and determine the harvest. But in the present social and academic cultures, we somehow think we can dismiss natural processes, cheat the system, and still win the day. And come up with great deal of evidence that seems to support that belief.

For example, As a student did you ever “cram” in school — goof off during the semester, then spend all night before the big test trying to cram a semester’s worth of learning into your head?

Can you imagine “cramming” on the farm? Can you imagine forgetting to plant in the spring, flaking out all summer, and hitting it hard in the fall–ripping the soil up, throwing in the seeds, watering, cultivating–and expecting to get a bountiful harvest overnight?

Cramming doesn’t work in a natural system. That’s the fundamental difference between a social and natural system. A social and academic system is based on values; a natural system is based on principles. In the short term, cramming may appear to work in a social system. You can go for the “quick fixes” and techniques with apparent success. But in the long run they just don’t work. and I got you this time.

  I’m ashamed to admit it, but I crammed my way through school, thinking I was really clever. I was used to psych out the system, to figure out what the teacher wanted. “How does he grade? …………….I was trying to force the natural processes, and I found out that, long term, you simply can’t do it. I have to compensate for the foolishness of getting myself into a value system that was not tied to principles at all.”

The way as it is :

 Today, I’d like to share with you the Law of The Farm. (our stlye).

One day, then President Erap was in a cabinet meeting about the poor economy of the Philippines. One economist said, “Sir, we can’t do anything about it. It’s the Law of the Supply and Demand.”

President Erap said, “I’m the President of the Philippines. I will repeal that Law!” The Cabinet kept quiet, but one brave soul said, “Sir, you cannot repeal the Law of the Supply and Demand. It’s like the Law of Gravity, sir.”

And President Erap said, “I’m President of the Philippines. I will also repeal the Law of Gravity!” Obviously, this story is purely fictional. But it was a joke endorsed by the former President himself when he was campaigning.

In Closing, As the course teacher my methods may seems easy to beat at the first glance. Cheat, cram and still win the day. Surely your thinking that there’s a great deal of evidence that seems to support, anyway. Didn’t you have the perspective that It was   anticipated way ahead of your time ?… Ahhh at least you still learn. You Took the Test, Then you learn the Lessons. I hope with the  learning experience makes you a lifelong and independent learners; whereas “A tool is only as good as the hand that guides it, and guiding the hand is only as wise and compassionate as the mind and heart that direct it” .

Todays learners basic unit of success:

At school students must learn that success comes not from sudden, sporadic bursts of activity but through the cumulative effect of disciplined, daily effort. whereby a learner acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for inquiry and critical evaluation. There are no shortcuts Today, it seems like many people want instant wealth and success. They want the rewards of life, but don’t really want to put forth the effort and creativity it actually takes to become successful. “Cramming” and “get rich quick” schemes — shortcuts to material success which are usually too good to be true, or which may involve some moral or ethical compromises.

The Law of the Farm, should make students realize that they can only reap what they have sow


Natural Process

n. So if we want to increase our harvest, increase the quality of our efforts in tending to the garden plot of our work and our lives.


In short, success comes not from finding an easy shortcut or by taking advantage of one’s fellow man, but from daily, disciplined, focused effort, directed tirelessly toward a desirable goal. self- learning experiences where students have more autonomy and control over their learning.

As we move further into the new era, it becomes clear that teachers are only facilitators of student learning and creators of productive classroom environments, such as the Learning Community Management System (LCMS), in which students can develops a higher order thinking skills, effective communication skills, and knowledge of technology that they need in the 21st Century workplace.

whereas lectures on a single subject at a time were the norm in the past and today collaboration is the thread for all student learning.


Filed under Education


“All of the contents in this blog are BASED ON MY FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS “

The serenity Prayer

The serenity Prayer

Often time when we caught in the adversity of life we seek for divine intervention, Thus our  prayer goes on to speak of accepting, courage, and wisdom. It all comes down to asking and allowing God to give us these things. In other words, it is surrendering to Him.

On the other hand we are taught to put  our trust to  God. To work things out and recognizing that we usually don’t have any real control over hardships in this sinful world or the actions of others. Trust Him and live one day at a time, enjoying each moment.

Serenity Prayer: How do I put this into practice?
Perseverance and successes aren’t born out of good times. They are born out of trials. 1 Peter 4:12 says “. . .don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.” The Bible tells us that we will go through trials and going through them makes us stronger. In our times of weakness, we learn to rely on God’s strength and He takes great delight when we trust in Him. We all desire to be needed and wanted; God wants this from us as well. He wants for us to turn to Him and trust Him.

On the different points of view: What if our adversity is caused by the mismatch of our senses and our perspective? Can our faith handle this too? Of course not.” We cannot kill a mosquito with a canon.

I am referring to serenity should start from with in. where our senses handshake with our perspective, With a clear understanding of the   Jungian functional preference

ordering, or commonly the Dominant: Introverted Intuition /Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking / Tertiary: Introverted Feeling/ Inferior: Extraverted Sensing . For an example allow me to present a portrait of a person who is often misunderstood;

Portrait of an INTJ – Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
(Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking)


As an INTJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically.

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

INTJ’s tremendous value and need for systems and organization, combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent scientists. An INTJ scientist gives a gift to society by putting their ideas into a useful form for others to follow. It is not easy for the INTJ to express their internal images, insights, and abstractions. The internal form of the INTJ’s thoughts and concepts is highly individualized, and is not readily translatable into a form that others will understand. However, the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts. They usually don’t see the value of a direct transaction, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas, which are non-linear. However, their extreme respect of knowledge and intelligence will motivate them to explain themselves to another person who they feel is deserving of the effort.

INTJs are natural leaders, although they usually choose to remain in the background until they see a real need to take over the lead. When they are in leadership roles, they are quite effective, because they are able to objectively see the reality of a situation, and are adaptable enough to change things which aren’t working well. They are the supreme strategists – always scanning available ideas and concepts and weighing them against their current strategy, to plan for every conceivable contingency.

INTJs spend a lot of time inside their own minds, and may have little interest in the other people’s thoughts or feelings. Unless their Feeling side is developed, they may have problems giving other people the level of intimacy that is needed. Unless their Sensing side is developed, they may have a tendency to ignore details which are necessary for implementing their ideas.

The INTJ’s interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgments, and put everything that they encounter into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, they are quick to express judgments. Often they have very evolved intuitions, and are convinced that they are right about things. Unless they complement their intuitive understanding with a well-developed ability to express their insights, they may find themselves frequently misunderstood. In these cases, INTJs tend to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of the other party, rather than on their own difficulty in expressing themselves. This tendency may cause the INTJ to dismiss others input too quickly, and to become generally arrogant and elitist.

INTJs are ambitious, self-confident, deliberate, long-range thinkers. Many INTJs end up in engineering or scientific pursuits, although some find enough challenge within the business world in areas which involve organizing and strategic planning. They dislike messiness and inefficiency, and anything that is muddled or unclear. They value clarity and efficiency, and will put enormous amounts of energy and time into consolidating their insights into structured patterns.

Other people may have a difficult time understanding an INTJ. They may see them as aloof and reserved. Indeed, the INTJ is not overly demonstrative of their affections, and is likely to not give as much praise or positive support as others may need or desire. That doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t truly have affection or regard for others, they simply do not typically feel the need to express it. Others may falsely perceive the INTJ as being rigid and set in their ways. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the INTJ is committed to always finding the objective best strategy to implement their ideas. The INTJ is usually quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something.

When under a great deal of stress, the INTJ may become obsessed with mindless repetitive, Sensate activities, such as over-drinking. They may also tend to become absorbed with minutia and details that they would not normally consider important to their overall goal.

INTJs need to remember to express themselves sufficiently, so as to avoid difficulties with people misunderstandings. In the absence of properly developing their communication abilities, they may become abrupt and short with people, and isolationists.

INTJs have a tremendous amount of ability to accomplish great things. They have insight into the Big Picture, and are driven to synthesize their concepts into solid plans of action. Their reasoning skills gives them the means to accomplish that. INTJs are most always highly competent people, and will not have a problem meeting their career or education goals. They have the capability to make great strides in these arenas. On a personal level, the INTJ who practices tolerances and puts effort into effectively communicating their insights to others has everything in his or her power to lead a rich and rewarding life. Figuratively  speaking this person is a Scientist.


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The Proverbs of Solomon

“All of the contents in this blog are BASED ON MY   FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS “

King Solomon known to be a great leader full of wisdom.

The Hebrew Bible credits Solomon as the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem, and portrays him as great in wisdom, wealth, and power. ( Wikipedia )

One of the qualities most ascribed to Solomon is his wisdom. The book of 1 Kings recounts how Solomon prays for wisdom:

(1 Kings 3:4-9).During Solomon’s long reign of 40 years, the Israelite monarchy, according to the Bible, gained its highest splendour and wealth. In a single year, according to 1 Kings 10:14, Solomon collected tribute amounting to 666 talents of gold (39,960 pounds).

The God of heaven inspired the wisest and richest king to compose witty sayings full of advice for us  to prosper in our life. Nothing is off-limits in this fabulous book of the Bible. The commentary is practical, hard-hitting, current, and spiritual.

The story of  Solomon, is a story of a man who realized that he has his limitations in  the task of leadership. He did not desire power and control, but the ability to care for God’s people wisely. So he prayed for discernment, in Hebrew “a listening heart.” On the other view I was much interested on how King Solomon lived, on a day to day basis and the applications of his wisdom on that particular time, So I quotes some of the verses as a basis of reflection and  guide to management in our era.

Proverbs 5:19

Inspired proverb can help any man have a great marriage.

Does size matter? No. Contentment and excitement with your wife are choices. Solomon warned his son to make three important choices – cherish his wife tenderly, focus on her body and sexuality only, and let her affection and devotion consume him. This inspired proverb can help any man have a great marriage.19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.20 And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

       Proverbs 6:6

Personal Victory

Ants are

DiligentAnts are great teachers. They can help you succeed professionally more than your academic or technical education. Ants are diligent and prudent: diligent by working hard without coercion, and prudent by saving part of all production. You need to learn these two basic rules for success to amount to anything in life.

Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler.

Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.

How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
11 and poverty will come on you like a thief
and scarcity like an armed man.

To be continued…

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A Letter To My Son On His Birthday: Eight Is A Lucky Number

“All of the contents in this blog are BASED ON MY   FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS “

November 7, 2012  By Nunun D Arquillano

Happy Birthday!

Dear Drego,

How is it even possible that you are already eight years old?! It feels like just yesterday I was  ccoking and cooking  your 7th birthday. Last year when we were praying and asking Jesus for the things you wanted on your birthday and you asked for  a  lechon, beach party, box-bot for boxing competition,  a touch phone, bike and baby brother. And how told Jesus that you’ll gonna be a big brother and be responsible in taking care of him?

Drego Praying for the things he wants on his 7th birthday

A Lechon, a Beach Party, Box Bot, A touch Phone a Bike ( green one) and a Baby Brother.

Dregs, Last year we were very blessed; although not much of financials but more on the essence of living, despite of all impediments, we achieve excellence in you academic performance, and excellence in enhancing your relationship with others and to the community.

Today on your 8th birthday: I could only wish you are here with me to accept the blessing that Jesus sent us.  Jesus granted your wish a day before your 8th birth day. SURPRISE!!!!! He gave us a Baby boy! I am still thinking of his name. Either William, Jerome? Can you call me to tell me? To tell me what name shall I gave him?  (William – after Saint William the Patron of adopted children / Jerome after: Saint Jerome the Patron of Librarians, Scholars, Students and Abandoned children?)

So, Happy birthday dregs! Always remember dad loves you.and don’t forget to say your prayer to Jesus  For he is always listening remember? .Lets us use plan 226, Right ?


Daddy Nunun

Please read  The Angels Story

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Filed under Parenting

Letting Go of the Familiar – No Turning Back

“All of the contents in this blog are BASED ON MY   FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS “

 I’ve been to bed twice and got up twice, simply can’t seem to get to sleep these days and I know it’ll be a nightmare getting up when my alarm goes off at 6:00. Is this due stress at work? Relationships? Finances? … Let me doodle and think for a minute.

 A therapeutic technique in coping with stress by, Kathy Doner, MD, “Mind off of your busy thoughts and onto your body”.  And the meditation guide by Catholic Priest, Rev. Dr. Milner

Goltzius Lot and his Daughters manipulated ver...

Goltzius Lot and his Daughters manipulated version. Goltzius’ painting Lot and his daughters (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) shows Lot being seduced by his two daughters. Sodom and Gomorrah are shown burning in the background, with Lot’s wife who had turned into a pillar of salt, in front. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 Letting go of the familiar is tough. Changing careers or colleges or moving to a new city can take an emotional toll on us. It’s even more difficult to leave behind old habits, attitudes and behaviors. What makes it difficult is that when you’re moving all alone.

What make it really hard? Remembering the story of Sodom and Gomorrah’s? The inner mind keeps nudging one last look, one last taste and one last fix. I hope GOD to send me an angel and help me on the journey as what he did to Lot’s wife. Unlike Lot’s wife, I will not become a pillar of salt by turning back for one last peek.  Yet I will struggle with the difficulties of letting go of the old in order to grasp the new.

The common questions are.  Am I agonizing the downward spiral of my loved ones, family or friend, desperately attempting to rescue them time and time again? Or maybe still wanted to prove something? Or maybe, I am waiting for the return of someone. Or maybe I can’t let go of the old habits? These issues are just superficial in which every man whose brains are greater than his balls can easily fathom. (Just teach yourself to detach: “Everything in this world ends up in separation, either in death or in conflict”)

If you are GOD surely you would impressed on me. ” Stop. Let go.“. But fortunately or unfortunately you are not GOD. Letting go and moving forward is a personal pace, it must come from inside-out. Although there are outside-in, Psyche-up approach, a quick fix and temporary solution.

Letting go without looking back could be easy if we have clarify our life and understand our own paradigm for where we want to go and who we wanted to be. These are the unanswered question and   hidden fears buried in the deepest thoughts of our mind, in which most of us failed to define and redefine. That leads to emptiness and feeling of being hollowed specially for people who   reached the peak ahead of our time.

Now think about our life for a moment. We have a body. We have a mind. We have a heart. And we have a spirit. The fears that are hidden in our sub consciousness or the deepest thoughts are the disintegration of the four dimensions of life, body, mind, soul and spirit. An integration of our whole nature. The connectedness of our body, mind, heart and spirit. That impacts the totality of our life. It impacts in our ability to think. It impacts in our ability to give and receive love. It impacts in our sense of self-worth, of your own value as a human being.

Setting up direction of where we wanted to go and who we wanted to be is achieved in a way that we can keep up and work on the totality of our nature until we realize that we, ourselves are the creative force of our own life. When we are not a product of our past.

Personal Victory

Personal Victory

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via ABOUT ME 🙂.

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Let’s live out of our imagination, not our history.

English: Teaching and Learning

English: Teaching and Learning (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Steve Jobs famous quote was “Stay Hungry and Stay foolish “which reflects American culture and society.  Living our imagination and not our history is a perspective intended to enlighten my students that in HCCB Butuan, that we are not a product of my circumstances. But we are a product of our decisions. Thus, change is constant. And even facebook is changing people’s lives.

When I first started teaching, I was most concerned that my students learned the things I thought they needed to know, the parameter of service bounded within the limits of purely providing knowledge to students. Over a period of time I realized that such perspective has a minimal impact to student’s lives.

I have read in one the educational journals that one of the objectives in providing IT education is to lessen the impact of digital divide and reduced poverty. Moreover the enemy of the “best” is often the “good.” Thinking with the end in mind, changing people’s lives for betterment is the essence of our jobs as an educator and we cannot just plant in the summer sleep in the fall and harvest in the winter.  Vis-à-vis.


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Filed under Education, Polls

Parental choice on primary schools

A young mother who works as an investment executive at the stock market,  wrote me that she will be sending soon her seven-year-old son to a primary  school.  Her choice is either one of the well-known religious  schools or a non-sectarian primary school.  Could I please distinguish between the two? This is a timely inquiry because young parents are already starting to enroll their children.

How about the schools who does their purpose religiously? Or are you looking for an authentic primary school who has well-trained teacher equipped with  the 25 Practical Life, 13 Sensorial, 20 Language, 9 Math and 18 Geography, History, Botany and Zoology materials. A box or tray holds each apparatus.  A classroom with a wash area for hand washing, laundering and furniture washing. Four open shelves, low enough for the child allows him to get number rods, bead chains to count teens and tens up to 1000 as well as the jumbo decimal box which allows small groups to do arithmetic operations using four digit numbers.  I jokingly replied.

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A “future ” Managers Perspective (For Management Information System Students)

Management Information Systems : Defined : ( Wikipedia ) 

(MIS) provides information which is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. Management information systems involve three primary resources: people, technology, and information or decision making. Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are used to analyze operational activities in the organization.Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. decision support systemsexpert systems, and executive information systems.

“Note : To maximize Learning students are provided with a concrete experience and technical insight ( Development Cycle such : PHP Programming,CMS and etc) and Motivational Real life Stories.
Click the following links to follow :
Motivation Story 1 –  You’ve got to find what you love ; Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish : by Steve Jobs
Motivation Story 2 –  Max and Max Jobs
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